
This is our robot, BOTMAN!!!

Here are some attachments!

How we got the name

When orginally making it we used yellow and black pieces to square it off (Making it square). We do this to make sure there are as few errors as possible. But when we looked back at it we saw the colors of Batman, and made it into our robot's name! Unfortunately it was too big so we made layers for it. Now it's just barely short enough.

The photo above is the game board with the missions labeled.
We completed missions #1, #2, #7, #4, #10 and #14. But what are the missions? Here is a list of them!


• Mission 01. 3D Cinema. If the 3D cinema’s dragon is completely peaking out of the black frame: 20

• Mission 02. Theater Scene Change. If theater’s red flag is down and the scene color is: Blue: 10. Pink: 20. Orange: 30. A bonus is if both competing team's scene color's match: Blue: +20. Pink: +30. Orange: +10.

• Mission 03. Immersive Experience. If all the screens are up: 20

• Mission 04. Masterpiece. If your team’s LEGO art piece is partly in the museum area (You build it!): 10. And a bouns is if the art piece is 100% supported by the pedestal: +20

• Mission 05. Augmented Reality Statue. If the AR statue’s orange lever is rotated completely to the right: 30

• Mission 06. Music Concert Lights and Sounds. If the lights’ orange lever is rotated downwards: 10. If the speakers’ orange lever is rotated to the left: 10

• Mission 07. Hologram Performer. If the hologram performer’s orange push activator is 100% past the black stage set line: 20

• Mission 08. Rolling Camera. If the rolling camera’s white pointer is: Left of dark blue, but right of normal and light blue: 10. Left of dark and normal blue, but right of light blue: 20. Left of all the colors: 30.

• Mission 09. Movie Set. If the boat is touching the mat and is completely past the black scene line: 10. If the camera is touching the mat and is at least partly in the camera target area: 10.

• Mission 10. Sound Mixer. For each sound mixer raised: 10.

• Mission 11. Light Show. If the light show’s pointer is within the zone: Yellow: 10. Green: 20. Blue: 30.

• Mission 12. Virtual Reality Artist. If the chicken is on the mission and has moved from its starting position: 10. A bonus is if the chicken is over or completely past the lavender dot: +20

• Mission 13. Craft Creator. If the craft machine’s orange and white lid is completely open: 10. If the craft is out of the craft machine: 20. (It looks like a printer…)

• Mission 14. Audience Delivery. For each audience member completely in a destination: 5 each. If a destination has at least one audience member completely in: 5 each.

• Mission 15. Expert Delivery If the following experts are at least partly in their target destinations: 10 each.

• Sam the Stage Manager in Movie Set.
• Anna the Curator in Museum.
• Noah the Sound Engineer in Music Concert.
• Izzy the Skateboarder in Skate Park.
• Emily the Visual Effects Director in Cinema

There's also precision tokens. You lose one every time you interfere with the robot when it's not in the home areas. If you have 6 or 5 tokens left you get 50 points. If you have 4 tokens left you get 35 points. For 3 you get 25. For 2 you get 15. For one you get 10. And if you have none you get no points.