

Our research project is about comic books and we’re going
to tell you about how art and technology can
come together and show main ideas.

Comic books, a good way to spend your time, but some of them can truly impact the earth or the way you think. For example, the availability of clean water is really important for human development. Some ways we use it are for agriculture, we promote hydro-electricity through clean water, and we also use it for our day-to-day hobbies, such as cooking, gardening and more. That’s why our presentation is a comic book raising awareness for people in Africa without much clean water to use. Here's a graph showing water pollution:

Now as shown in the graph, the total dirty water impact has been reduced by about 275 million people without clean water. Sadly this isn’t the case for Africa. It was 375 million in 2000, but now it’s 425 million! In Africa, 1.8 million people are likely to use or drink contaminated water.

It's also affecting:
•59% of South Sudan
•54% of Nigeria
•54% of Democratic Republic of the Congo
•54% of Chad
•50% of Ethiopia
•48% of Eritrea
•44% of Somalia
•44% of Uganda
•43% of Angola
•37% of Mozambique
•And many more places

But there is good news. Because, and many more organizations, are helping bring clean water to the places with aquatic pollution. In fact has brought water to over 58 million people. That's a lot! One way they are helping it is with a system called WaterCredit. Here is how it works, works with their in country financial partners to create cheap loans for water. Then people living with a small amount of money can take out these loans, and use it to buy water. It's an affordable way to get water and pay it forward. But you can help too. By donating just one dollar to it helps buy 16 dollars of water!

Now back to comics, how can comics help the African water crisis? Well they can help raise awareness within the younger generations. Nowadays kids only read books that are classified as fun. Some of these books are short paperbacks, mangas, and comics. (All mangas are comics, but not all comics are mangas.) So if we make comics and share them online, more kids will become aware of the water crisis.